Sunday, August 29, 2010

what to do?

What do you do when a church grows to the point that there aren't enough rooms for all the classes? We have rearranged classes to maximize our space time and again. People seem to be agreeable, for the most part.
I talked with a teacher this morning about relinquishing the large room he meets in and meeting in the library so a larger group could use that room. He said he'd work with whatever we had to do. I love working with the folks at CCC who share the vision! But that doesn't solve the problem, it just postpones it. A large share of my prayer time is spent on what to do when the postponing is done. And that time is not far away. 
It's an awesome blessing. I wonder if God is testing my faith in His timing. I'm probably failing that test, to some degree. I'm nervous, as a minimum.
But, God has always been faithful. I trust him. I really do. 
Mostly, being a "planner" is a good thing. But not now. I'm comfortable when I have a plan. Maybe, just maybe, God doesn't want me to be comfortable.
Bottom line is, I love to see the church grow!

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