Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Flood

Working with the flood victims in Nashville reminded me of the hurricanes and the damage they caused when we lived in Florida.
It's heart wrenching. We met a man and his teen son and helped them for a couple hours, they were moved nearly to tears because we helped them. We completely gutted an older, crippled man's house and there were so many things in there that I'm sure were meaningful to him that ended up in the trash heap. I was glad that he wasn't there to see it. It also helped keep our pride factor from swelling, purified our motives. We did it to be Jesus' hands and feet to hurting people. 
When the hurricanes ravaged Florida, people had insurance. So many of those affected by the flood didn't. David and I chatted as we drove home and I mentioned a potential threat to those uninsured flood victims- suicide.
There are so many people who have placed their hope in treasures of this world and a catastrophe is more than they can bear. I guess that's the fuel for my passion to go. Hope for hopeless people. The church being their in Jesus' stead, open-armed and willing. I am so grateful for people to serve alongside that encourage me and create the "cord of 3 strands" that is not easily broken. 
Sometimes I think a weak church is only strengthened through these "acts of God" as they are referred to by insurance companies. 
The flood, a weird kind of blessing or perhaps I should call it opportunity...

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