Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Jesus said, GO! Reading John 1 today. I saw the perfect example. Peter met Jesus and he IMMEDIATELY went and got Peter. He understood GO. Man, sometimes I wait around for "God to open the door" and miss out. I wonder, do most of Jesus' followers really want to "take up the cross and follow"? Do they want to put down their worldly ways and live holy like He was holy? That lack of holiness could just be the obstacle to GOing.
Maybe Jesus would say, "GO away from the worldly ways!". Apathy, procrastination, self-centered lives have prevented many from knowing the "GO Man"

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Look

489 at Saw You At the Pole! It looked amazing. The Spirit of God was among us. Students were in God's presence, praising Him. Robb brought the Word, man did he bring it. I've heard several sermons with Josiah at the center but Robb took a new angle for me, at least.
Josiah was first introduced to God's character by looking at another person, David. Josiah didn't have the written Word, just example. Then Robb issued a "kick in the gut" challenge: do people experience God's personality through you?" Man, I they?...when I drive, when I'm waiting in line, when I'm upset...Lord, forgive my weakness. Make me look like You.
I remember watching the Dallas Cowboys play back in the 80's. The offensive line moved into position in an orchestrated, almost military fashion. It was impressive to watch. Back then, they were serious contenders most of the time. It was cool to watch. They had the look.
Last night we looked good. We might have even looked better than the 1985 Cowboys offensive line. But how do we look today? How will we look tomorrow? Will the "spectators" see Jesus?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I love teenagers. They challenge me. In this shift of positions, I must continue to be involved, to some degree, with these amazing people.
They have enthusiasm for the Lord that acts out. Often criticized for acting out in other ways, this whole dynamic works through their spiritual walk. They say what they believe. They put themselves out there. They are an encouragement to me.
This week I recieved a message from this little girl who had been deeply moved by a video. She caught a glimpse of God's heart toward the lost. She told me that it made her sick to her stomach to think that people were bound for hell.
Sometimes I become calloused toward those that have not accepted Christ as Lord. It's their decision, right? I mean I've preached the Word and they chose not to respond.
Jude 1:22-23 gives some perspective: " must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives."

How badly I need to be sick to my stomach... Thanks TL for showing me the way!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Living IN God's presence

God indicated in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that if we seek to be in His presence that He would bless us. Now those blessings can come alot of ways. They could be material, emotional, spiritual whatever. My take as to what a blessing is comes from my relationship with God. the closer I am, the more I can see the blessing. When I'm far away, I become selfish and usual look for the material stuff. Shallow.
I'm entering into this season of study with a friend. We both need to get close and live in God's presence. My life is always better when I'm there. Theresa nad I get along better, I treat the kids better. I think Scooter even benefits.
It's a choice. I've heard people pray for God to come near, the reality is that He's always near. We move away. It is I that needs to do the moving.