Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I've just returned from a short-term trip to Honduras. It's all the same, "been there done that" several times before. This was my first trip with a team comprised of only adults. It gave me the freedom to look around and pay attention to some things I'd never really noticed. I had never noticed how symmetrical that banana bunches grow. I had never noticed how little TV the Hondurans watch. I had never noticed how few of them smoke. Little things that aren't such a big deal. But for the first time, I noticed one thing of great significance: I noticed that all of the people in the mission that I work with (Mision Caribe) have a certain tenacity and work ethic that is rarely found so widespread in any given organization. 
They all recognize the task at hand and press towards it. I never once heard "that's not my job". I never once heard, "Oh well, that's good enough." What I saw and heard was the best effort for the Kingdom. 
I'm not saying that they are perfect, just focused. That impressed me, alot.
In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus told His disciples, "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers in to His fields." I will pray for workers.

The bottom line is, we need more workers like those at Mision Caribe. Pray.


  1. what a difference it would make in our country if all the working people here had the same focus and work ethics!! Awesome team, trip and opportunity to work with all of you and all for Him. I will never forget it! And next ADULT ONLY group you put together, I am going with you!

  2. Matt, I am trying to make contact with Sue Hettinger Stark. She has blogged here and seems to know you. Can you give her a message? Contact Annette Tinnerman on FB. Thanks.
