Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sold Out?

I have heard lots of people use the term "Sold Out" as they describe their walk with Jesus. Meaning that they had given it all to Jesus, but last night I walked past the now closed B. Dalton Bookstore, I reconsidered the phrase.
I remember going past the store, when it was open, and seeing thousands of books on most every topic. Books about cooking, racing, self-help, religion, SAT/ACT testing, How to, you name it, they probably had it. But as I looked inside last night, all of the shelves were empty. It was sold out. Empty.
I've heard lots of people claim being sold out, but the number of them that had emptied themselves to that degree is much smaller. We all seem to want to hang on to our "pet sin". We compartmentalize that thing, claim complete surrender to Christ, and the church suffers.
The book of Acts records a few of the amazing things that happened with the early church. People coming to Christ by the thousands from one sermon, people giving up their possessions for the needy, miraculous healing, people being martyred. Things that are seldom witnessed in the current American church. 
Sold out. I wonder... if we emptied ourselves like B. Dalton and presented God our entire self what would happen in the American church. 

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