Thursday, March 25, 2010


God's grace. What is grace? I would define it using the level of intellect that I possess as "the taking away of deserved consequences". That definition works when I get stopped by a policeman and he lets me off. It works when Jeremiah doesn't complete an assigned shore and I don't punish him. It even works if I don't pay my electric bill on time. 
How does it work for a God that created everything, becoming a man, walking in absolute perfection, being tortured, dying, resurrecting Himself and returning to that I can do wrong and be forgiven do wrong again and be forgiven and again and again? 
How does that work? In my own mind that factors things against fairness, it doesn't work. It's not fair. I was taught as a youngster to play fair. I expect the judicial branch of our government to be fair. Employers to treat their workers fair. 
Grace isn't fair. Not to God. Grace isn't fair to people. I know some people who are followers of Christ that are "good" people. Haven't done much of anything wrong. They were obedient children, good students, hard workers, church-attenders, on and on. I know others who have awful pasts. Murderers, drunks, child-molesters, cheaters. All of the above are equally forgiven and grace covers them. 
Nope, grace isn't fair. But as a middle-of-the-roader on all of this "goodness", I'm glad. 
I smile, look to the heavens and sing almost daily beaming with gratitude that my God loves me enough to allow me access to grace. Grace that I cannot nearly define.  

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