Friday, March 16, 2012


As I review this past whirlwind of a week and prioritize the dozens of things that I need to accomplish this weekend, I'm reminded of a couple things:
First, the fourth commandment. Going on the way that Jesus treated the Sabbath, it's not necessarily about the specific day, rather the concept of rest. I know that my interactions with people always go better when I'm rested.
The second thing that I'm reminded of is Honduras. My good friends there and how the simplicity of their lives allows them to enjoy life, To enjoy the people in their lives. Many folks view Latin culture as lazy. That is simply not the case. They just value people and relationships higher than anything, including work. 
Jesus is like that. He loves people. Lame people, poor people, rich people, smart people, even not-so-smart people like me. 
The bottom line is...
simplicity places value on people.

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