Monday, December 7, 2009

Outsourcing Justice

I look back in time and see that, at some point, the church disregarded the example of the church described in Acts.

The church decided that the government could take over helping people who were down and out...widows, orphans, poor, lame.

These were the very people that Jesus chose to hang out with. So why? Why have we outsourced justice to the government that decided that corporate prayer does not belong in school. That decided that evolution would be the creation theory that it would teach. Why have we outsourced to those who say that, contrary to Scripture, life begins outside the womb? Why have we given the task of taking care of widows and orphans to those who would encourage the demise of those left to its charge by handing out condoms? Why church?

I have but one answer...APATHY. We simply don't care. We have put ourselves on the thrones of our lives. But it can all change, it can be reversed.

This is the season to change all that, reach out. Put those in need ahead of yourself. God will bless you!

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